Concealed Carry 101

How To Qualify For The Only
“Online Concealed Carry Permit”
Valid In 28 States, From The Comfort of Your Own Home,
In Less Than 90 Minutes ...

Dear Friend,

Hi. My name is Caleb Lee.

I’m an NRA Certified Instructor and my certification number is 203060037.

I’m also the author of the book, Concealed Carry 101.

But I didn’t write this letter today to brag about my credentials ...

I’m writing you today because due to various changes in a particular state law, you now have the opportunity to qualify for a special “Online Concealed Carry Permit” that’s valid in 28 states.

In short, the website you are currently on will show you how you can legally carry in the states in blue below (no matter what state you live in):

What's more: because the training is delivered online, you can qualify for this permit from the comfort of your own home in about 90 minutes.

You do not need to visit a classroom ...

You do not have to fire a gun, or even go to the gun range ...

All you have to do to qualify for this permit is utlize the information on this website that I'm about to share with you today.

How is this possible?

The fact is, the state of Virginia passed a law - §18.2-308 (G) (7) 1 – that allows people to take their concealed carry training online without ever having to step foot in a classroom.

*** The best part is, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Virginia resident or not… ***

You see, Virginia has reciprocity with dozens of states -- which means that the Virginia concealed carry permit is recognized by many other states -- which is why Americans all over the country are now getting Virginia’s permit even if they don’t live in Virginia!

In fact, the Virginia permit has become so popular that Fox News recently ran an article 2 with the headline:

"Virginia's online classes make it easy
for out-of-state gun owners to get permits"

The article went on to say, “The commercial courses allow applicants to seek a permit from Virginia that is valid in their state, but without having to meet tougher requirements their home states may impose, such as firing a gun with an instructor.”

And a news station in Missouri wrote…

“Missouri residents can get their concealed carry gun permit online without ever having picked up a gun. Officials from Virginia State Police confirm far more Missouri residents are applying for non-resident concealed carry permits since a Virginia law allowed online classes to be sufficient to file for permits.”

This online training has been mentioned in several other media outlets, including The Dallas Morning News, Seattle Post Intelligencer, and New York Daily News, to name a few.

So here’s how it works….

Let’s say you live in the state of Texas.

To get your permit in Texas you have to attend over 10 hours of training… do a live-fire exercise with a handgun where you have to fire a total of 50 rounds from three different distances… and take a 70-question test.

Or, you could simply take the special concealed carry training course online, which includes 5 entertaining video lessons (approximately 1 hour in total ) and an easy 15 question exam (that you get the answers to) and get your Virginia permit without leaving your house…. and you’d now be able to carry concealed in Texas. (Because Virginia and Texas have reciprocity.)

Or let’s say you live in the state of Missouri…

Instead of spending 8 hours training, which is mandatory under Missouri law, you could take this special online training course right now and be able to carry in Missouri, because Virginia and Missouri have reciprocity.

You could do the same with Arizona, North Carolina, Utah, Ohio, and dozens of other states.

Even if you don’t live in one of the states that has reciprocity with Virginia you’ll still want to get this permit.

For instance, if you happen to live in a terribly “gun-unfriendly” state, such as California, New York or New Jersey, you can take this online course and be able to carry in dozens of states when you travel.

The bottom line is, whether you’re a Virginia resident or not, the ability to take your concealed carry training online is a huge convenience and bonus for all Americans, which is why there has been a great deal of buzz about this in the media, and why tens of thousands of Americans have already taken advantage of this opportunity.

Plus, even if you already have your concealed firearms permit in your home state, you should get your Virginia permit as a form of “insurance.”

As a fellow firearms instructor told me, “People carry a Visa and American Express so they have options, and carrying multiple permits gives you options too, especially if you accidentally let one expire.”

Which States Will This "Online Concealed Carry Permit" Allow Me To Carry in?

There are only three things you need to know about how this special online concealed carry course works ...

Number One: If you live in ANY of the 50 states, you can take this special online concealed carry course and that will satisfy the requirements for training to get your Virginia concealed carry permit.

Then, the next step is simply determined by if you are a resident or a non-resident of the state of Virginia.

Number Two: If you are a non-resident of Virginia (you do NOT live in Virginia), then as a U.S. Citizen who takes this online course you can carry concealed in the following 28 states:

Alabama*, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana*, Iowa*, Kansas*, Kentucky*, Louisiana*, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska*, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma*, South Dakota, Tennessee*, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia*, Wisconsin* and Wyoming.

* States with this symbol require their residents to obtain their home state permit if they wish to carry concealed legally in their own home state. If you live in one of these states, even without your home state permit, you can still travel legally concealed in the other 27 states.

Number Three: If you are a resident of Virginia (you live in Virginia), then your Virginia Concealed Carry Permit will be honored in the following 31 states:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.

The bottom line is that no matter what state you live in, you can now take this special online course to qualify for a Virginia Concealed Carry Permit and depending on whether or not you are a Virginia resident, you can carry in up to 31 states ...

Now Is The Time To Get Your Concealed Carry Permit ...

Here's something you won’t hear on MSNBC, NBC, CNN or other mass media ...

According to FBI statistics, states with “shall-issue” right-to-carry laws have:

*** a 26% lower total violent crime rate
*** a 20% lower homicide rate
*** a 39% lower robbery rate
*** and a 22% lower aggravated assault rate

... than those states that do not allow their citizens to legally carry guns.

And when it comes to protecting your life and your family's life ... you are on your own!

The police (and their federal equivalents) maintain that their job is not protecting individuals. And this stance has been defended time and time again in the courts -- the Police are under no obligation to protect you the individual.

For example, The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals (Bowers v. DeVito, 1982) did not mince words when it ruled, “There is no Constitutional right to be protected by the state against being murdered by criminals or madmen.”

And according to American Police Beat, the average response time for an emergency call is 10 minutes (Atlanta has the worst with up to 12 minutes and Nashville has the best at 9 minutes).

In short, the police simply cannot be everywhere all the time and your best defense against violent criminals is to defend yourself.

New Center For Disease Control (CDC) Research:
“Armed Citizens Are Less Likely
To Be Injured By An Attacker”

In January, 2013, President Obama signed an executive order for a $10 million study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to study firearms called “Priorities For Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence”.

The CDC study found, “Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year…in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.”

The CDC went on to publish:

Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies.”

In other words, getting a concealed carry permit and carrying a firearm is one of the best ways to protect yourself against violent criminals.

The Best Protection Against Active Killers Or Terrorist Attacks
Is To Carry A Gun ...

Many people these days are worried about mass murder events by active killers or terrorists.

Did you know that, according to the FBI report "Active Shooter Events from 2000 to 2012" , 43% of the time the active killer event is over before the police arrive? Again, the police can be minutes away when seconds count ...

But when civilians on the scene fight back before police get there, 33% of the time they stop the active killers. Sadly, most people are unarmed in these attacks because they often occur in gun free zones. Even so, 3% of mass shooting are stopped by armed civilians shooting the killer.

The Fastest, Easiest Way To Qualify For
Your Concealed Carry Permit Online ...

Not long ago, in most states, you had to go take time off work, re-arrange your schedule and go sit in an uncomfortable classroom for hours to qualify for your concealed carry permit ...

Or you had to go to the range, spend more money on gas for the travel, and do actual, live shooting in order to qualify...

The good news is, you no longer have to go through all the planning ... all the time off work ... all the traveling ... all the interacting with other people ... or even leave your house to get your concealed carry permit ...

In short, you can now get everything you need online and get your concealed firearms permit without having to leave your house and spend hours in a classroom with my new class Concealed Carry 101.

Here's Just a Sample Of What You'll Discover
In The Concealed Carry 101 Online Course...

The 3 critical safety rules

If you follow these 3 simple rules you'll NEVER have to worry about having a firearms accident.

Better yet...

You’ll see the storage device you can use to ensure nobody can gain access to your firearm -- This storage device can be opened in about two seconds and is perfect for home defense.

You’ll also see exactly how to handle a firearm (and why)… when to keep your firearm unloaded versus loaded… and much more.

There's nothing more important when it comes to firearms training than safety.

That’s why we spend so much time on it in this course. It’s ESPECIALLY true if you are new to firearms.

And that's just the beginning of what you'll get during Concealed Carry 101.

Quite frankly, this portion of the event should not only be watched by you, but your spouse too. After all, if you’re going to have a gun in the house, shouldn’t everyone know the three critical rules to follow so they’re ALWAYS safe?

In other words, your spouse and children need this home protection information as much, if not more than you do.

The Best Gun for Self-Defense (for YOU)

  • I’ll tell you the pro’s and cons of semi-autos VS revolvers for concealed carry
  • You’ll discover the three absolute BEST ways to carry concealed (and which ones are not practical for most people)
  • How to buy your first gun (critical tips that might save you money!)
  • How to decide if you should carry a semi-automatic or a revolver.

If you learn nothing else, this information on choosing the right firearm could be the difference between surviving an attack and ending up six feet under.

How to Properly Fire a Gun

  • Discover the simple, but critical elements of becoming a deadly accurate shooter. These are accuracy secrets not 1 in 1,000 gun owners is aware of.
  • You'll also see the #1 way to improve your shooting skills, which is both cheap and time efficient.
  • And, you'll see the single biggest mistake people make when learning to shoot a gun and how to fix this in less than 30 seconds.


And one of the most important things covered concerns ammunition for your gun. After all, a gun without ammo is just a paperweight!

  • Not just one, but THREE ways to ensure you always use the correct ammunition in your gun.
  • You'll discover exactly how "bullets" actually fire from your gun (plus, critical information you should know about how to handle misfires, jams and other problems!)
  • You’ll discover the difference between practice ammunition and self-defense ammunition. (plus, the critical characteristics to look for in self-defense ammo.)

Holsters and Other Gear

Of course, once you've chosen the right gun and ammunition, you'll also need to know how to choose the right holster to carry your gun, right?

  • Discover the three best ways to carry a concealed handgun (and how to choose the one that’s right for you!)
  • Also discover about ankle holsters, shoulder holsters, cross draw holsters, and the pros and cons of each.
  • And if that wasn't enough, you’ll also discover the one critical item you absolutely MUST have if you’re going to carry concealed (most people only find out about this AFTER they’ve had major problems when trying to carry their handguns!)

Critical “Pro” Tips

You’ll also discover some “hard won” secrets to carrying concealed ...

Including how to make sure you’re relaxed and confident (instead of nervous) the first time you walk out of the house with a gun strapped to your hip ... the truth about how many people know you’re armed ... and where to go for more training and further information.

Of course, there's lots more covered during Concealed Carry 101, but I'm sure you get the point by now. It's everything you need to introduce you to Concealed Carry -- just like a 101 course in college.

Special Bonus Gift:
You get my book
Concealed Carry 101,
a $19.95 Value -- absolutely FREE!

Here's just a taste of what's inside this book (it's the perfect complement to the online video training course and will only help expand your knowledge of concealed carry!)

  • What you absolutely MUST know about Concealed Carry and the law (important info to keep you out of jail!)
  • What happens AFTER you are forced to draw your gun (if you think it's over when the shooting stops--you're sadly mistaken. Important info anyone carrying a gun should know!)
  • 3 rules of determining the best place to carry your gun on your body
  • And a whole lot more!


Special Introductory Offer:
New Customer Discount Today!

When I took my Concealed Carry class in person I had to pay over $70 ... take time off work ... and re-arrange my schedule to be able to attend the only class in my town (during a gun show).

It wasn’t just the $70 I paid ... but at least another $50 in gas, time off work, and pure hassle was lost ...

That makes the Concealed Carry 101 online course easily a $120 value considering just how much time and hassle it saves you.

Not to mention, the skills you learn in this class will keep you and your family safe & protected for a lifetime ... which we both know is priceless.

Anyways, you can see why the retail price of $97—that hundreds of others have already paid—is fair.

But for a limited time, because I want to help as many Americans get their concealed carry permits as possible and to celebrate the release of this course to the public – I’m giving you a massive discount!

That means, The Concealed Carry 101 Course is not $97. You won’t even pay $50 or $30 ...

You can sign up today for the Concealed Carry 101 course for just $10.

Click the add to cart button now to lock-in your special price of just $10 ... PLUS all the bonuses.

Also, you should know …

Iron-Clad, Firearms Training
Money-Back Guarantee …

The Concealed Carry 101 course is unlike any other course that I am aware of. In fact, you can’t purchase it anywhere else because this information is not available anywhere, for any price.

Because it’s an amazing product, it comes with an equally amazing double guarantee.

GUARANTEE #1: You are guaranteed to get the exact information, taught by an NRA certified instructor (me), that you need to satisfy the requirements needed to qualify for your Virginia concealed carry permit from an online learning course.

GUARANTEE #2: You are guaranteed to love this course – and find it worth every penny of your investment or you get 100% of your money back.

That’s right. If for any reason, you are not completely and totally satisfied with Concealed Carry 101, simply call or email us within 60-days of your purchase and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase price.

There’s absolutely no risk for you because I’m putting all the responsibility here on MY shoulders.

In fact, with my super-generous guarantee, you could take the entire course, apply for your permit, and then cancel and still get all your money back.

Now I ask you what could possibly be fairer than that?

In fact, I have to trust you here, instead of you having to trust me!

Because The Timing On This Is Critical,
Please Sign Up Today ...

The truth is, because of the threat of terrorist and other violent crimes, I’m making this course available at the most inexpensive price I’ve ever offered it ... But there’s no guarantee this special introductory offer will last forever.

Even more important is that I don't know how much longer the state of Virginia will continue to allow people to qualify for their Virginia Concealed Carry permit training online, from home.

In short, there has been talk that they might change the laws in the future to make it so you have to go to a classroom to get a permit ... and because they're politicians nobody knows what they will do in the future.

I don't want you to miss out on this wonderful opportunity.

If you’re serious about protecting yourself and your family, my best advice is to sign up now.

That way, you won’t miss out on the great discount and you can always apply for your permit any time in the future when you are ready.

Thank you, and I look forward to helping keep you and your family safer.


Caleb Lee
Author of Concealed Carry 101
NRA Certified Instructor


1. Virginia Law - §18.2-308

2. Fox News, "Virginia's online classes make it easy for out-of-state gun owners to get permits"

3. Virginia State Police Website, Non-Resident Concealed Carry Laws

4. Virginia State Police Website, Resident Concealed Carry Laws

5. Virginia State Police Website, Reciprocity and Recognition


Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: Do I Qualify for a concealed carry permit?

A: Simply put…

1. Must be 21 years of age

2. Must not have been deemed insane by the courts in less than five years preceding the date of application.

3. Must not be subject to a restraining or protective order.

4. Must not be convicted of a felony.

5. Must not have been convicted of two or more misdemeanors within five-year period preceding application, if one of the misdemeanors was a Class 1 misdemeanor.

6. Must not be addicted to marijuana, or be unlawful user or distributor.

7. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States.

8. Must not have been convicted of any assault, battery, sexual battery within three years proceeding application.

IF you meet those qualifications, then you can take the Concealed Carry 101 course, and then after you take the course, and our exam, you have satisfied the Virginia requirements and may apply for your Virginia Permit.


Q. After taking the Concealed Carry 101 course how do I apply for my Virginia permit?

A. Once you watch the course and pass the exam you will receive a certificate of completion. If you live in Virginia, you just mail it in to your local circuit court along with the application.

If you’re an out of state resident, here is the process in a nutshell: If your state of residence recognizes a Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit, then you may obtain and use a Virginia Non-Resident Permit for concealed handgun carry in your home state (Except Florida, Michigan and South Carolina). Once you have taken this class and printed your certificate of completion, you have qualified to apply for a Virginia Non-Resident Concealed Handgun Permit issued by the Virginia State Police. You must then contact the Virginia State Police to request an Application Package, you can see how to do that at this link:

The cost for a 5-year permit is $100.00; fingerprints must be furnished with your completed application, as well as two passport-sized photographs.


Q. What states does Virginia have reciprocity with?

A. Currently, Virginia has reciprocity with Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. But remember, reciprocity can change so make sure and double-check that your state honors Virginia’s permit.


Q. What happens if I lose my Internet connection while I’m watching the Concealed Carry 101 Course?

A. If you lose your Internet connection, you simply click back to the website and continue watching the video lessons. Also, you can watch all the video lessons at your convenience so you don’t have to watch it all at once if you don’t want to.


Q. What if I’m a total beginner?

A. No problem at all. It truly doesn’t matter if you’ve never touched a gun in your life. The training is presented in a laid back and non-intimidating manner. And SAFETY, the number one thing a beginner needs, is the primary concern.


Q. How long is the video for Concealed Carry 101?

A. Right now, there are actually 5 separate video lessons. This makes the course easier to complete because it’s broken into sections (it’s also easier for you if you have a not so fast internet connection). All 5 lessons are approximately 61 minutes.

So in less than 90 minutes you can complete the training and then take the exam to get your certificate.


Q. How hard is the exam?

A. If you watch the 5 videos lessons, it’s easy. It consists of 15 questions and you need to get 11 out of 15 correct in order to pass. All of the answers are in the video so you can go back and watch a specific section if you need to if you don’t pass the first time. Of course, if you don’t pass the first time, you can take it again. Our goal is to train you to be a safe, knowledgeable concealed carry practitioner – NOT to trick you into failing!


Q. How long will the exam take?

A. It takes about 10-15 minutes normally. That is an example only though because everyone will complete it at a different pace.


Q. How do I get my certificate that shows I have completed this training?

A. Once you watch the 5 video lessons and pass the exam, you’ll be taken to a page showing you passed. On that page, you will enter your name exactly as you would like it to appear on your certificate and click a button. That will take you to your certificate page showing you completed the Concealed Carry 101 course. All you have to do is print it out and mail it in with your application. If for some reason you don’t have a printer at the time you take the exam, you can always click back to the site, take the exam again (which will be fast and easy since you know the answers already) and print off the certificate later.


Q. Is any live firing required to get this permit? Don’t I have to shoot a gun?

A. No, the state of Virginia does not require you to fire a handgun to get the permit. However, I absolutely DO recommend you take live fire training courses after you take Concealed Carry 101. As the name implies, this is simply an introductory course to the safe handling and ownership of a handgun for concealed carry.


Q. After I take the Concealed Carry 101 and mail in my application, how long until I get my concealed carry permit?

A. The turn-around time for the state of Virginia is usually 45 days.


Q. How long is my permit good for?

A. The Virginia permit is good for 5 years before you have to renew it.


Q. Both residents and non-residents of Virginia can get this permit?

A. Yes. Residents of Virginia have their permit issued by their local circuit court. Non-residents have their permit issued by the Virginia State Police. Here is the link for Virginia non-residents:


Q. Does Virginia require fingerprinting for its application? If so, who does the fingerprinting?

A. Yes, Virginia requires fingerprints for the application. When you request an application packet from Virginia they send you the fingerprint cards in the packet along with the application. All you have to do is go to a police station near your house and they will do it for you.


Q. What is the cost of the Virginia permit?

A. The Virginia resident permit is $50 and the permit is good for 5 years. The Virginia non-resident permit is $100 for the 5 years. These fees go directly to the state of Virginia and you pay them when you send in the application.


Q. What if I have a question you haven’t answered here?

A. You can email us at Thank you.

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